Notion Ink Adam Faces Serious Backlash from Irate Customers

The tablet wars are heating up with the likes of Apple, Samsung and now HTC’s entry into the fray, with their rather high-priced Flyer. So while these brands are flaunting their wares, one manufacturer, Notion Ink, is still making the news from time to time, but seemingly with nothing positive being said about it. Their Adam appears to be once again plagued with issues and this time, members of the tablet toting community are demanding that somthing be done and be done quick.
More broken promises
More broken promises

As most people know, Notion Ink, the India (Bangalore) based company announced their tablet called the Adam way back in early 2010, and from the specs released at the time and the initial hype, this was the iPad killer that was supposed to blow away the competition. With the ability to feature 1080p video output, standard sized USB and HDMI ports the Adam was all set to thrill audiences and even more so with their Pixel Qi display technology. However, after failing to meet the expected launch date, bad global reviews, issues with damaged shipments and other problems, the Adam was finally shipped and made it to households. But the issues for this ill-fated product didn’t seem to end there; some consumers who received the device are now up in arms regarding the quality of the device received.

According to a website – NotionInkScam, started by one annoyed customer, many others like him are calling to action for their voices to be heard by the global community. The owner of the site is calling all unsatisfied customers to voice their concerns through NotionInkScam. Max Power, the founder of the website says - “Just to clarify, I am now on a personal venture to take Notion Ink down. I have been waiting 4 months for a return of what’s rightfully mine, the $470 it cost me to buy an Adam tablet PC that broke down within 24 hours with less than 1 hour of usage.” He goes on to say that he wishes to see the owner of the Notion Ink i.e. Rohan Shravan, handle the issue with the utmost importance and seriousness. Power also mentions that he knows of 15 other people who have concerns and are being ignored by the company and he urges them to mail in.

Notion Ink it seems has more downs than ups and to rub salt to the company’s wounds, according to a source, the present Honeycomb version on the Adam seems to have glitches with the GPS and camera functionality. Tabletroms and other members of the Notion Ink community seem to have gathered that the current Rom is just ’semi-working’ and they intend to do something about it by starting a contest to create a stable ROM for the device where the winner stands to win $100 – “If a developer creates a bootable Honeycomb ROM for the Adam before Notion Ink, based off of a port I will issue $100.00 via PayPal for that user, as a community thank you.” is what was posted on thier site.

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